Superior, sweet flavorful summer Easy Peelers!
Easy Peelers

Easy Peelers

Sweet and easy. Our Easy Peelers are perfect for healthy snacking.

Clementines are the best known Mandarin type grown in South Africa. The first Clementines were imported to South Africa from Corsica in 1973.

Selections from Spain and Morocco followed. The first commercial plantings date back to 1980 and the basket of South African Summer Clementines is largely made up of Nules, Oroval and Marisol. New selections of early Clementines and late Mandarins are coming into production. They will add a new taste experience and lengthen the South African season. The season for South African Mandarins is from the end of May through the middle of October.


Virtually seedless, well-colored and high juice content

growing chart for Clementines


Attractive reddish-orange rind with minimal seeds; peel removes cleanly from fruit

growing chart for Novas


Bright orange color known for its ‘zipper skin’

growing chart for Fairchilds


Virtually seedless; outstanding eating quality with high sugars and intensely rich flavor

growing chart for Clemengold Honeygolds

Or (ClemenOr)

Tender and juicy and virtually seedless; very sweet with sufficient acidity to give well-balanced flavor

growing chart for Or Clemenors


Thin, easy-to-peel rind; exceptionally sweet flavor

growing chart for Morr Honeygolds

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South Africa

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